The solid was insoluble in the usual reagents. 1348 Typical of a saturated or aromatic hydrocarbon or a halogenated compound. Solvent is deuterochloroform. h 3j 132023303334383941424344454648495154 Only aromatic protons, all of one type, are present. # dummy ms # # # # # Bromine was found to be present. 21253135394142434948 Absent are nitrogen and sulfur. No residue was left after burning (with a sooty flame). # The compound is not a metal salt but is aromatic or unsaturated. 87 to 89 degrees. # A low melting solid. Nujol mull +*-+)((()())'))(()**)(()')+)))*)(()+*()))*+*+++,,,--....//////000001122344567789:<=?@IMGJMST`h~dzŧk4*&$#$%+*+,-,+-/-...-,++**+)((''''''''((())))*,**+*,02/,,++,-----,*))))))))))**))))*****++,+++++++++1AMH220--.///////////00002464358665333333334 433332337BI?87664444443332222222;B_XNFQֹ~qaQHBBFOHNZo{`XONPKFDDDEFDCBAA@>OVMB=<<84,6vv_VPMKIHVICB@=;;;;;;:;:76688789;=HqSID@=<;;?@?@CGJC8Z5/+)''&'&&#'*%$&&#"!#%$$! " '&'%)'"#&%))3I\>?=BBJrYT\\TC 1419222427294231531320233033343839414243444546484951542850 Shows the presence of aromaticity and absence of many functional groups. 217-219 degrees. # Typical value for a liquid. Optically inactive. # The compound is achiral. Not usually measured for a solid. # Mainly for liquids. Not usually measured for a solid. # Usually measured only for liquids. # # # # # # # dummy cmr # # # # # # # # # # # No precipitate was formed. 2227282950 The unknown is not a ketone or aldehyde. No positive result. 3344454651 The compound does not contain any reactive hydrogens ie: OH, NH, SH. # # # # # # # # # No reaction took place. 14 The commpound is not an ester. # # # No reaction was observed. # The halogen is not reactive ( ie tertiary or aromatic). # # # # # # # # # No positive result. 3344454651 Absent are OH (alcohol or phenol) and NH (prim. or sec. amine) containing groups # # # No change was observed. # The compound is not easily oxidizable. # # # No colour change was observed. 232850 The unknown is not a sugar. # # # No visible change was noted. # The unknown is not a phenol nor is it unsaturated. No reaction took place. # Ether groups are absent. No reaction. # The compound is not a phenol. # # # No precipitate formed even after heating. # No reaction; typical of aromatic compounds. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # A solution was formed. # This is typical of an aromatic hydrocarbon. # # # # # # # # # # # # No reaction observed. # The unknown is not a phenol nor is it unsaturated. No reaction. # The compound is not a ester, acetal, amide or a nitrile. No positive result. 3344454651 Absent are groups containing OH (ROH or ArOH) or NH (prim. or sec. amine). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # colourless crystalline solid 010507 2640 6395 Colourless solid m.p. 194-197 degrees. Crystals m.p. range 80 to 84 degrees. 2 o_ bj˷k solid bromine containing compound 2 1,4-dibromonaphthalene 1,4-dibromobenzene